易控科技(香港)有限公司 油墨系列产品之MI-T019ECW5

作者: TouchScreen     时间:2009-12-17     源于:中国触摸屏网    总点击:
【导读】:USAGE CURING: Curing condition recommended at 130~150deg.C x 10minutes. CLEANING: Cello solves or Ester base solvent with little toluene or xylene is the most suitable for cleaning stencil. SHELF LIFE: The shelf life is 5 months, how





    USAGE CURING: Curing condition recommended at 130~150deg.C x 10minutes.

    CLEANING: Cello solves or Ester base solvent with little toluene or xylene is the most suitable for cleaning stencil.

    SHELF LIFE: The shelf life is  5  months, however this paste should be stored at under 25deg.C.

    联系方式: 3802561249 李海民

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